Monday, June 11, 2012

The one where I dream about Boston

Here I am, in the middle of studying for my French baccalaureate, surrounded by oh-so-many books about math, physics and chemistry, enjoying a deserved break to blog about Abbey Road!

My name is Anne-Sophie but you can call me Sophie! Let me introduce myself: I live in Lyon, France. I’m passionate about theatre and I also play the piano. Basically, I love the arts. This spring, I travelled to Cannes for the Film Festival and I had an awesome time there watching movies and walking on the red carpet ;) I also love sailing in the summer, dancing and hanging out with my friends. My life is well-balanced between academics and extracurricular but I do have to admit that I am an over-achiever; I tend to do more than what is expected of me. I can also be stubborn :-) My true passion is aerospace engineering. In the future, I want to become an aerospace engineer which is something I’ve wanted to do ever since I was a child.

Now that you know more about me, let me tell you why I’m so excited to go to Abbey Road this summer! As a prospective MIT student, I chose to participate in the Abbey-Road pre-college program in Boston. (Session 3). After a lot of thinking about which summer program I should attend, I finally decided to apply to Abbey Road. Quite frankly, at this point, I couldn’t be more excited about coming to Boston. I feel like it’s the perfect way to spend my summer, working hard and playing hard. As I was saying, MIT is my dream school. And that is why I’m taking the Abbey-Road program as a “pre-MIT” program. I’ll get to visit MIT for the first time, talk to admission officers, and wander around campus to get a sense of what being a student here feels like. I’ll prepare for the SAT II math by learning new and more efficient test-taking strategies, I’ll learn how to write an essay, how to explore my passion and how to express my desire of coming to MIT. I’m ready to make the most of this program by working hard and by being involved in many activities and outings. I can’t wait to share my adventures in Boston with you all! Stay tuned!  

PS: As you may have noticed, I’m a HUGE fan of Friends which explains the title!

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