Monday, July 9, 2012

The One with a beautiful night in Boston

We had our first SAT Practice Test and I personally thought it was tricky since I am really not used to those kinds of standarized tests...We had lunch at Emerson Dining Hall. There's a variety of choices so you can definetely find something good to eat. There's even ice cream! I didn't try it today but I'll make sure to have one tomorrow... We then had a general presentation by our two counselors about college application. We were then parted into two groups. I am in Danae's class and I'm really excited about this elective! We're going to learn so much about the college application process and we're going to visit MIT! :) I honestly can't wait... We had dinner at Emerson before departing for the Freedom Trail. We had a very funny but yet comlpete tour of the historical landmarks of Boston. We then hung out at Quincy Market, it was gorgeous! We went shopping at Urban Outfitters before heading back to the dorm to relax.

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